fredag, februari 19, 2016
Van Morrison & John Lee Hooker-Don't look back-live
Do yourself a favor and watch "Wednesday Evening Blues/Help me" as well on my Youtube channel vossmeister! This video is actual footage of Van and John Lee singing together.*Note starts of with some overlay vision.
Brilliant 1990 rendition of this song written by John Lee Hooker. Van first recorded this song with Them back in 1965 and recorded a duet with John Lee Hooker for the JLH 1998 "Don't look back" album . The Them version was re-released in 1997 on the "The story of Them" double cd.
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• Who was Socrates' worst student? Mediocrities
• Who was Socrates' busiest student? The one with a lot on his Plato
• What do you call a fliratatious philosopher: A Socratease
• What relative did Socrates need after his trial? An Aunty dote
• What did Romans use to cut string? A pair of Caesars
• When Brutus asked Caesar how many oranges he had eaten, he replied: "Et two, Brute"
• What did Caesar say to Cleopatra? Toga-ther we can rule the world
• Why did the Romans build straight roads? So their soldiers didn't go around the bend
• Which famous Roman suffered from hayfever? Julius Sneezer
• Who refereed the tennis match between Caesar and Mark Anthony? A Roman Umpire
• Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons? He wanted to mark Antony
• Why was Shakespeare denied a drink at a pub? He was Bard
• Atheism is a non-prophet organisation
• Jesus saves . . . but Keegan scores the rebound (famous football banner from the Seventies)
• Jesus said to Peter, "Come forth and I will give you eternal glory." Peter came fifth and won a toaster
• What's a volcano's favourite historical document? The Magma Carte
• What does a volcano do when it wants food for a party? Orders a cratering company
• What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano? I Lava You
• I used to have a fear of Hadrian's Wall but I got over it
• How did the psychoanalyst injure himself on a skiiing holiday? He had a Freudian slip
• A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but you mean your mother
• Two egotists meet. It's an I for and I
• If you get a fruit basket from your psychiatrist it will probably be shrink-wrapped
• What fast food do psychiatrists like? Kentucky Freud Chicken
• A patient ran into his analyst's office screaming "I'm a teepee! I'm a wigwam!" and was told: "Relax, you're two tents"
• Talking of psychology, does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
• What fish did Lenin hate? Czardines
• What John Green novel is about the Russian Revolution? The Fault in Our Czars
• Victoria was caught gambling. She had a royal flush
• Why did Karl Marx like herbal tea? Because all proper tea is theft
• Why did the communist fail at school? He got bad Marx
• A dying artist painted himself into a coroner
• I ear there's a new Van Gogh been discovered
• Van Gogh's favorite swimming technique was the brushstroke
• Why did you the artist become an Impressionist? He did it for the Monet
• What's a banker's favourite Olympic event? The vault
• Old Olympic skiers never die. They just go downhill
• I love the Olympics. I'm carrying quite a torch for them
• It's always a leap year for high jumpers
• World War One battle report: We're Verdun and dusted
• Trench warfare should always be a last ditch effort
• The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran
• Why do bankers never get the blame? They always pass the buck
• I had an account with a bank in the North Pole but they froze all my assets
• I used to be a banker but I lost interest
• If money talks, why do we need bank tellers?
• How did Castro find out about the Bay of Pigs? Someone squealed
• If you swallow uranium you will probably get atomic ache
• When a Cuban atom bomb operator and Russian nuclear technician got married, she was radiant and he was glowing
• How did Nixon get over the bridge? He double-crossed it
• The president can't pass the bill because it's still incongruous
• Why did the Berlin Wall fall? it wanted to go down in history
• Why didn't people like the restaurant on the Moon? Because there was no atmosphere
• What holds the moon up? Moonbeams
• How did Neil Armstrong get a haircut on the moon? Eclipsed it
• The star asked the sun why the moon was always up so late. The sun replied that it was just a phase
• A blood-sucking arachnid from the moon would be a Luna tick
• What did the cat say to Zedong? MAOeow
• Mao left a huge estate when he died. It was the great will of China
• There is some Confucion about the oldest religion in China
• I tried to look up impotence on the Internet but nothing came up
• What do you call a jockey who likes JK Rowling's books? Harry Trotter.
• Voldemort: Why so sirius?
• Why did Harry Potter need ointment? He had a quid-itch
• Did you hear the one about the tall wizard who couldn't cast any spells because he was short staffed?
• The haughty magician had illusions of grandeur
• I went to Hogwarts but I could only manage a short spell there
• What does Psy use to compose in bed? Sheet music
• Some music stores are in a CD part of town
• How did the rapper know Gangnam Style would be popular? He was Psy-chic
• What Jackson 5 song does Obama like singing? Ba-rocking Robin
• Why did scientist clone Dolly? They wanted some sheep thrills
• I'm writing a new novel called The Cloneliness of The Long-distance Punner
• Why was Dolly special? She was ewe-nique
måndag, februari 15, 2016
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