tisdag, november 18, 2014

THE INFANTS IS REGROUPING and Terrible Annoying Jokes

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

How does a witch tell time?
With a witchwatch.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why do fish live in saltwater?
Pepper makes them sneeze.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What do massage therapists eat for dinner?

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why was the chicken happy?
Everything was eggcellent.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What kind of dog can jump higher than a building?
Any dog. A building can't jump.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What does a proud computer call his little son?
A microchip off the old block.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What did the girl say when the Statue of Liberty sneezed?
God bless America.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why couldn't the woman buy a bakery shop?
She couldn't raise enough dough.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why won't a bike stand up by itself?
It's two tired.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

How do you make anti-freeze?
Take away her blanket.

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