onsdag, augusti 26, 2015
Gnostics- Cathars/Bogomils, the true Christians
The Prayer of the Apostle Paul - The Nag Hammadi Library
Translated by Marvin Meyer
This original translation of The Prayer of the Apostle Paul (Nag Hammadi Codex I, 1) is presented in the Gnostic Society Library by permission and under license from the copyright holder. It is reproduced in The Gnostic Bible.
Grant me your mercy.
My redeemer, redeem me,
for I am yours.
I came from you.
You are my mind:
give me birth.
You are my treasure:
open for me.
You are my fullness:
accept me.
You are my rest:
give me unlimited perfection.
I pray to you,
you who exist and preexisted,
in the name exalted above every name,
through Jesus the anointed,
lord of lords,
king of the eternal realms.
Give me your gifts, with no regret,
through the human child,
the spirit,
the advocate of truth.
Give me authority, I beg of you,
give healing for my body, as I beg you,
through the preacher of the gospel,
and redeem my enlightened soul forever, and my spirit,
and disclose to my mind the firstborn of the fullness of grace.
Grant what eyes of angels have not seen,
what ears of rulers have not heard,
and what has not arisen in the hearts of people,
who became angelic,
and after the image of the animate god
when it was formed in the beginning.
I have the faith of hope.
And bestow upon me
your beloved, chosen, blessed majesty,
you who are the firstborn, the first-conceived,
and the wonderful mystery of your house.
For yours is the power and the glory and the praise and the greatness,
forever and ever.
Prayer of Paul (the) Apostle [or, Messenger].
In Peace.
Christ is holy.
redigerad-edited 15-05-07 republished @ poeter.se 15-05-07 I’M NOT PINE TRAINED ENOUGH TO DECORATE PLEROMA---edited
Jag Är Inte Tallskogsutbildad Nog Att Inreda Pleroma-edited
...spår av nån jag var nyss, senare vet man aldrig och allt traskar in sig själv och börjar upprört kräva rätt och förklaring ety de voro goda kristna och undrade över paradiset och wtf detta menas med.
Vad säger man?
De ville underliga saker som 'att ringa' och 'tala med ansvarig myndighet' och att bli speglade då, var de mycket missnöjda med.
-Evertything shall pass, sa George Harrisson, men de ville ha besked om evigheten och inte höra beat-poesi och flum och vid ordet 'flum' upphörde 10-12 st direkt.'Hjälp' skrek resten och jag gömde mig bakom min rygg och försökte se naken ut.
~|~ Nota bene:
Jag är inte tallskogsutbildad nog att inreda pleroma.
-om detta MEANS a thing if it dont got that swing...?
…traces of somebody I was just now, later you never know and all wading us into himself and you and begins indignantly demand the right and explanation of no they were good Christians and wondered about paradise and wtf this meant.
What to say?
They demanded strange things like to ‘call’ and 'speaking to the authority’, and was reflected but they were very dissatisfied with that. -Everything Shall pass, George Harrisson said that but no sale, they wanted to know about eternity and not hear the beat-poetry and woozy crap, and at the word 'woozy’ 10-12 was gone .'Help 'cried the rest, and I hid behind my back and tried to look naked.
~ | ~
Nota bene: I’m not pine educated enough to decorate the pleroma. -if this MEANS a thing if it dont got that swing …?
redigerad-edited 15-05-07
republished @ poeter.se 15-05-07
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