fredag, november 28, 2014

A CALL TO EVERYBODY and me talking and mystifing art 2014-11-28

A CALL TO EVERYBODY and me talking and mystifing art 2014-11-28

Who is this poet?

I found it in my computer and its not me for sure.
This person ar much more exact than me and
that get it clear and cut.

Im just run thru the

grabbing all cloth i can

making real art of it in

the contaminated
waste place southsouth-east of
the mall.

and you know what...

Since art is a nice diversement
and often are very well in its
frame on your wallls.

Since the most powerful
generator of intelligence and
culture growning wise.

Since trivia drowned out it
The church have no messeage
no more.
just sad beggings of forgivness

Art is still alive.

Art fled
your mingle of bland
years ago.
To the kids in poor town

In a concrete suburb

where the need was hunger and
amphetamines killing 
cold night and 20 below!

(most mrs mary jane - she heals they say, i just get lost)

Art took over some dudes doing them
into artists desperados.
Still hidden,the
collection of photographs

Zero tolerance towards graffitti

The guys did large pieces

deep in tunnels
Some visible too.

Big good stuff.

They signed and took the
good photos
them posing

If it should be handed over

to the police there would be a
LARGE law suits over
much Moolah.

One should be aware of that

that the cleaning nazis
took the pieces down
in two or three days.

Art seem to slip out of your

convinience prison.
over and over again

Many in the cultural setting
are very nice but nice
wont cut it this time.

Nice my ASS!


Its time for Göteborgs Handels och Sjöfartstidning

If you dont get that use google.

Or never mind

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

What a funny cat.


But can anybody identify this pro poet?


What To Say

Can a public cry for peace,

Give a billboard a bad time?
Can a mile of smoking cars
Make a clear mind a crime?

Tiger’s got to hunt.

Bird got to fly.

Is this our own river here?

Is this our pure common air?
If we scream in the pixilated fog
Will we lose what we remembered there?

Tiger’s got to hunt.

Bird got to fly.
Tiger’s got to eat.
Human try to understand.

Did the city on the hill explode?

Take your seat for the sunniest day.
All of life is now watching us
As we forget, forget what to say.

Tiger’s got to hunt.

Bird got to fly.
Tiger’s got to eat.
Human try to understand. 
(chorus repeats 3X)

Is this our own river here?

Is this our pure common air?
Tiger’s got to hunt.
Human try to understand.



WE HAVE ALL INHERIT A RAW DEAL - Jim Björklund - 2014-11-27



To wake by force-wet one self down-chew-walk-hate life in 7,5 hours-walk-chew-lay sleep-wakeby 

force-wet one self down-chew-walk-hate life in 7,5 hours-walk-chew-lig-wakeby force-wet one self 

down-chew-walk-hate life in 7,5 hours-walk-chew-lig-wake.....and when to live? one ask and ppl 

starts..."there are some nice shows on TEVE " So they sit up to 11:30 and have even harde to wake MUST be possible to create a better system -NOO IM NOT A 'COMMIE' who were some ppl that 

at least did try....why did THEY miss out....i tell you why....most ppl dont wanna hear this....they kept the 

key feature of the old (our present) and used it  as always 

'so it all  took a krap in the blue cupboard'  

and evryone just gave up....

'there are bake sale on sundays. We are free then.' 

 NO its not okey!

The key component DESTROYING LIFE in all more developed  systems 

yet is the 


We have kept an ancient power and decision system alive for no good 

reason but to  keep the boys occupied. No, we should let them be who 

they want, beside fans of football jerseys in a special pattern with the 

oh,so important colors. This is a  long gone need to 

drum up war people cause there arent to be such a war again hopefully. 

But i like to watch curling-well do so but we should get rid of it all in

 society and in buisness and MORE 


Ownership is in here somehow but i cant think it all up.

I mean thats the score for today, she/he with the most junk and potentialy junk to be wins.

He won.   hi hi hi hi he ho.

AND, if this work really must be so bad organised, why today the walk 5-2?

Why work for 5 days into selfmutulation to be free just two? 

As you come out of the bath at friday nght its really sunday night and late.

People never get free. And poor people get  even less free cause thay have to

live with the weight knowing this is it.bad food bad roof bad bad bad.

I suggest that we work three days and are free three days. Even as washer of hell

you can stand it three days without turning stiff of suicide and three days is a lot more

than two.

Yes it is, three brisk mornings own by you three nights out if you absolutely must get

pissed and nearly start to cry when you realise the shit of iy all.

And id suggest also that mondays etc of course has theire place but mainly is inadequat.

Further a system wit the three over lapping schemas can be done 

Say you work mon-tue-wed

on the tue       here   a new shift starts 

and another one                and here    grrr likes this.

one - two - three

           one - two - three

                       one - two - three

                                  one - two - three

                                              one - two - three

                                                         one - two - three

And let it go all week round where every one must be replaceable. That is the case anyhow.

But to tame the competitivness are hard, must start with the kids. Its a surviver key to kids in

the 45 000 years or so we walked with the animals feed patterns. Then a party was lime 30-50

people, a small walking village,and the kids was a bunch in and out around the walking,riding, 


Kids are to a 100% dependent on the grown ups and evolution wants as many kids to live so

mummy look at there were many grownups to turn to, but to be left out of

the care then -as today-  was a dire messege with no hope....alas


(On a lighter note, by the same reason something as fused into kids are born. Every kid should

have its share. Fair is born by those darn kids!

Give 11 pieces of candy two 6 year old and say gravely "now share very good" and watch

the world as we know it be born...My guess is that eiter of the kids will stel and then they comes

to you to split the now growing question. Ok, they may have turned to the higher

power already when it was sure the deal was falling, but probably one 6yo took it yomyom

Bohooooaaa from the other kid cause there was VERY important they share.

Anyway, they comes to you, the higher power....hmm....God is a prick if he exists.

Not giving a hoot about us and how we have it and HAVE HAD it even more so.

Either he dont care (thanx a lot)

dont know (fine allknowing deity)

or cant. (impotent)

Of course this can be a local view (local, as on earth) but in any case it look like cat-shit.

Competion then....

There arent no such need in reallity it seem, just stoopid brothers and sisters who cant give it 

up....Mummy mummy look at mee NO LOOK AT MEee...'  

Jesuz with the white congas.

We must rid us from these crazy ways.

Am i wrong, dont think so. And whats the problem with that they usually say, life it self is to compete 

AHA And exactly is that coming No what a big City like The  Human one does primarely 

is TO COOPERATE i cant get stuff together into a loaf of bread etc and now we have come some way in 

that field...couldnt we take down the competition a tad? Thin, what comes out of the olympics? Well, 

you say,, a big party, ppl all over the world watch sports kida old ones but that it (i asked 

knowingly hi hi) Well a lot of nice buildings and/stop/ most shit never used again,

On the human plane  Olympic games produce 10 000s of LOSERS.

Yes, 150-300 winners but the rest just had a nice flight.This is ok i guess if we want to use means for it 

but on the larger scale, the human race (not homosapiens etc) the race on to our graves could be a little 

less stoopid and cold....i turned into shit doing that eat-work-die for 25+ years.

People never get a, g'nite and dont let my stupid rants disturb you cause IM disturbed, yes 

thats it HE is a idiot, lets race eachother...first to the bike shed...I WON 

happy you



onsdag, november 26, 2014

MC Escher, Images of Mathematics...By Shawn Taylor

By Shawn Taylor

Escher's work covered a variety of subjects throughout his life. His early love of portraits, Roman and Italian landscapes and of nature, eventually gave way to regular division of the plane.. Over 150 colorful and recognizable works testify to Escher's ingenuity and vision. He managed to capture the notion of hyperbolic space on a fixed 2-dimensional plane as well as translating the principles of regular division onto a number of 3-dimensional objects such as spheres, columns and cubes. A number of his prints combine both 2 and 3-dimensional images with startling effect.. His art continues to amaze and wonder millions of people all over the world. In his work we recognize his keen observation of the world around us and the expressions of his own fantasies. . M.C. Escher shows us that reality is wondrous, comprehensible and fascinating....
”Main Course - Piano Candlelight Dinner: Nocturne In C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth.” av Jeno Jando, Evelyne Dubourg, Budapest Strings (Google Play • iTunes • eMusic)

THURSDAY 121011 Six Minutes To Nine

onsdag, november 19, 2014



Vilket djur är mest hygieniskt? Tvättbjörnen

Varifrån kommer flygmyrorna? Från stackmolnen!

Var i världen sover man sämst? På Filippinerna, för där ligger Manilla..

Varför är alla så arga på SJ? Det har nyligen uppdagats att de jobbar med banarbete.

Vad kallas en nyanställd på McDonalds? Nyburgare

Vad säger Josef Fritzl's fru till honom innan dom lägger sig? "Har du släkt i källaren?"

Var finns världens billigaste nötkreatur? Korea.

Vem i sagan om ringen uppfann blommorna? - Ja vet inte, men det var en orch-idé.

Vilket djur vet allt om skor? -kängurun

Hörru, vilken smart anka du har- Jag vet, det är en doktorand

Vad kallar man en amputerad kvinnlig präst? Protes-tant!

Vet ni varför ålderdomshem ofta ligger vid vattnet? Jo, för att de gamla ska få ro.

Varför är det så farligt för ordblinda att åka längdskidor? För att om de skadar sig så kan de inte stava till sjukhuset.

The Maria Bamford Show 10 Dark


THE BAMMER Maria there is......

KIVIK 1-sits sektion med schäslong - Tullinge gråbrun - IKEA

KIVIK 1-sits sektion med schäslong - Tullinge gråbrun - IKEA: IKEA - KIVIK, 1-sits sektion med schäslong, Tullinge gråbrun, , KIVIK är en rymlig soffserie där du sitter mjukt, djupt och med bekvämt stöd för ryggen.Sittplymån formar sig exakt efter din kropp och återfår snabbt sin släta yta när du reser dig eftersom den har ett toppskikt av memoryskum.Schäslongen kan användas fristående eller byggas ihop med sofforna och ensitssektionen i soffserien.Ensitssektionen kan användas fristående eller byggas ihop med fler ensitssektioner eller en schäslong ur samma soffserie.Klädseln är lätt att hålla ren eftersom den är avtagbar och maskintvättbar.


Terrible  Annoying  Jokes

What did one plate say to the other?
Lunch is on me.

What does a cat say when he likes something?
It's purrrfect.

What do outlaws eat with their milk?

What does a proud computer call his little son?
A microchip off the old block.

What did the girl say when the Statue of Liberty sneezed?
God bless America.

Why couldn't the woman buy a bakery shop?
She couldn't raise enough dough.

Why won't a bike stand up by itself?
It's two tired.

What is the clumsiest bee?
A bumbling bee.

How do you make anti-freeze?
Take away her blanket.

What did the potato ask the cow?
Give me some milk, and we can make mashed potatoes.

Terrible  Annoying  Jokes


tisdag, november 18, 2014

THE INFANTS IS REGROUPING and Terrible Annoying Jokes

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

How does a witch tell time?
With a witchwatch.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why do fish live in saltwater?
Pepper makes them sneeze.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What do massage therapists eat for dinner?

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why was the chicken happy?
Everything was eggcellent.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What kind of dog can jump higher than a building?
Any dog. A building can't jump.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What does a proud computer call his little son?
A microchip off the old block.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

What did the girl say when the Statue of Liberty sneezed?
God bless America.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why couldn't the woman buy a bakery shop?
She couldn't raise enough dough.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

Why won't a bike stand up by itself?
It's two tired.

Terrible  Annoying  Joke

How do you make anti-freeze?
Take away her blanket.

Punny Literary Sentences - 42 of them!

1. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

2. Police were called to a day care, where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

3. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now.

4. The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference.

5. To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

6. When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.

7. The short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

8. A thief who stole a calendar… got twelve months.

9. A thief fell and broke his leg in wet cement. He became a hardened criminal.

10. Thieves who steal corn from a garden could be charged with stalking.

11. When the smog lifts in Los Angeles , U. C. L. A.

12. The math professor went crazy with the blackboard. He did a number on it.

13. The professor discovered that his theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.

14. The dead batteries were given out free of charge.

15. If you take a laptop computer for a run you could jog your memory.

16. A dentist and a manicurist fought tooth and nail.

17. A bicycle can’t stand alone; it is two tired.

18. A will is a dead giveaway.

19. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

20. A backward poet writes inverse.

21. In a democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism, it’s your Count that votes.

22. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.

23. If you don’t pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.

24. With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.

25. Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft and I’ll show you A-flat miner.

26. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

27. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.

28. A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in France and resulted in Linoleum Blownapart.

29. You are stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it.

30. Local Area Network in Australia : The LAN down under.

31. He broke into song because he couldn’t find the key.

32. A calendar’s days are numbered.

33. A boiled egg is hard to beat.

34. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

35. A plateau is a high form of flattery.

36. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

37. When you’ve seen one shopping center you’ve seen a mall.

38. If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine.

39. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.

40. Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses.

41. Acupuncture: a jab well done.

42. A lot of money is tainted: ‘Taint yours, and ‘taint mine.